Koji Kageyama
April 20, 2018Education Masters in Materials Scence, Tokyo Institute of Technology (2010) Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corporation (2010~) DPhil in...
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Dr Cyril Besnard
April 20, 2018Education B.Sc. Materials Science, ENSIACET (Toulouse), National Polytechnic Institute of Chemical Engineering and Technology, France M.Sc.Science of Materials, Nanomaterials,...
Thomas Moxham
April 20, 2018Education M.Sc. Cambridge Research Interests Advanced Nano-Optics for synchrotron headlines Hobbies
Zifan (Ivan) Wang
April 20, 2018Education BEng, Harbin Institute of Technology (2018) Research Interests Phase transformation, microstructure and residual stress effects in Ni-Ti shape memory...
Benjamin de Jager
April 20, 2018Education B.Sc. Physics, University of Oxford Research Interests Additive Manufacturing Hobbies
Former members – Dr Tan Sui
January 26, 2018Current position 2018.03- Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering Science, University of Surrey Employment history 2017.02- 2018.02 Senior Researcher in Engineering and Microscopy, Department...
Dr Hongjia Zhang
February 9, 2005Research Interests AI-Materials Crystal Plasticity (FEM) Synchrotron x-ray methods Multiscale mechanics Thesis: ‘Experimental and Numerical Study of Deformation Mechanism of...
Chrysanthi Papadaki
September 16, 2004Education Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece (2015) Research Interests I am currently a DPhil student in...
León Romano-Brandt
September 16, 2003Education B.Sc. Engineering Sciences, Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany (2015) Research Interests My research concerns itself with thin coatings,...
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